Quantum error correction and quantum measurement
Quantum error correction and quantum measurement

Simple schemes can deal with errors in classical information. The individual qubit states are not revealed by the parity measurements. b The measured Pg as a function of the initial phase. Scalable quantum computers require a far-reaching theory of fault-tolerant quantum computation. The parity checks, being quantum measurements, produce discrete outcomes with various probabilities, converting the continuous error into a discrete one and allowing correction by a qubit flip. qc1 QuantumCircuit(3) initialize circuit with three qubits in the 0 state qc1.x( 0,1,2) flip each 0 to 1 qc1.measureall() measure the qubits run the circuit with th noise model and extract the counts qobj assemble(qc1) counts n(qobj, noisemodelnoisemodel).result(). a Experimental sequence for the quantum-enhanced radiometry that senses the excitation population p in the receiver cavity (Fig. In an EPP, perfectly entangled pure states are extracted, with some yield D, from a mixed state M shared by two parties with a QECC, an arbitrary quantum state |\ensuremath 1996 The American Physical Society. To achieve large scale quantum computers and communication networks it is essential not only to overcome noise in stored quantum information, but also in general faulty quantum operations. Suppose that instead of measuring the four projectors P0, P1, P2, and P3, we performed. Abstract: Entanglement purification protocols (EPPs) and quantum error-correcting codes (QECCs) provide two ways of protecting quantum states from interaction with the environment.

Quantum error correction and quantum measurement